Like the late Mr. Zevon, I, too, sometimes feel like an imposter has been living my life for me. But I've just been a little busy with family visits and weddings, and filing four answers that were due on four consecutive days.
Anyhow, since I am not blogging to share my pearls of wisdom on affirmative defenses (ok, fine --here's one: waiver, ratification, and estoppel always go well together), you surely do not care about that. So, what has been going on that you might care about? Here are a few tidbits from my life the last couple of weeks:
1. Otherwise intelligent people (like opposing counsel on a mediation) really -- no, I am being deadly serious -- think that Barack Obama is an Al Qaeda plant. This gives me pause.
2. If you aren't watching Mad Men, you should be. Although I do miss Don Draper's Jewish mistress from last season -- lose the Beatnik chick, fine, sure, but please, Mister Weiner, bring back Rachel Menken!
3. Ahem. The owner of Menken's Department Store deserves two items on this list. (Complicated brunettes, remember?)
4. It is a true pleasure to be driving in the summer on a warm day when a Not Overplayed Jimmy Buffett song unexpectedly comes on the radio. Your pickup's washed and you just got paid, indeed. It's like Proust catching a whiff of that cookie.
5. The Mets are still in it.
Anyway, more to follow. Happy Friday!
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Our local news guy (must be the NBC station because it was the broadcast that came on after the women's all-around) called him Osama Bin Ladin last night. I think he felt really really stupid after saying "we'll have more on the emergency landing last month involving Osama Bin Ladin's, er, sorry, Barack Obama's plane". Wonder if that gem has made YouTube yet.
Heck, I think that I've even called him "Osama" at times.
But it was really incredible -- this guy was insistent. Actual dialog:
Him: How do we know who he really is? All his relatives are conveniently dead.
Me: He's in Hawaii right now visiting the grandmother who raised him. Oh, and your client's damage claim is absurd. We're not paying for realigning any chakras.
Him: He spent his formative years in Indonesia -- that's probably where he became a Wahabbi.
Me: Um, actually he went to high school in the U.S. No dice on the vocational rehab, either.
Him: He wants to impose affirmative action on everything.
Me: I must have missed that in Bin Ladin's last video. Are you taking the money or not?
Him: I just hate to see young men like you get screwed out of schools because of your skin color.
Me: Well, if only dad and grandad had been Harvard men, I wouldn't have had to settle for the land grant school. I'm serious about the offer. Not a penny more.
Him: I mean, affirmative action doctors will operate on you. You want that? And don't get me started on taxes!
Me: Then take the deal so that you can lock in the low tax rate on your cut.
Him: Heh-heh. You're pretty funny.
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