Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives, and I decline.

I sit here on this beautiful autumn day, and simply cannot believe how difficult a time I am having in getting through my work day. I am suffering a rather severe bout of paralysis by analysis.

I just now forced myself to call opposing counsel on a case – I mean, I literally screamed at myself (uh, silently, natch) to pick up the FUCKING PHONE and call the guy NOW, AND I MEAN *RIGHT NOW* GODDAMMIT!

So I did. And got his voice mail. Doh.

Dark humor of the situation aside, it is just so frustrating. I have plenty to do. In fact, I am behind on doing some of the things that I need to do. It’s like for some reason I just need to play that degree of difficulty thing. Drives me crazy.

Update as I spell-checked -- dude called me back. So one thing accomplished today -- woo-hoo!

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