Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Degree of difficulty

Apologies to my loyal readers -- both of you (hi, Mom!) -- for not posting regularly. Busy, life, work, yada yada yada.

Yeah, whatever.

Anyway, degree of difficulty -- why is it, Universe, that I seem unable to go though life without adding obstacles to my own path? Why do, as it were, battle the demons with one hand tied behind my back? Would it be too easy otherwise?

Frankly (aside -- as a lawyer, when I have a client say "well, to be frank, Jackson . . ." or "to be honest, Jackson . . ." -- the little siren in my head (it sounds like the ones on the police or Gestapo cars in old WWII B&W movies -- you know, "WAH-wah, WAH-wah") (like the internal parenthetical? Yeah, me neither.) starts blaring, and "LI-ar, LI-ar" is what I hear.)

I think that my mind gets bored too easily with things. And therefore just creates fucking problems where none should exist. I avoid returning an adversary's call, annoying her, forcing me to dance a little in our next call to appease her. You know the drill.

So, what's the solution? It's not like I don't even tell myself what is going on as it is going on. And the law game, unlike gymnastics, doesn't award points for degree of difficulty.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


1. Dude, are you like this huge Jackson Browne fan?

Not particularly. I mean, I like him fine (other than the whole alleged beating of Daryl Hannah thing, which is kind of troubling). "Running on Empty" is a fine song, for example. But I don't think that I have any of his CDs. I just love the line -- am I the only one who hears the screams/and the strangled cries of lawyers in love? Hence, the title of this here blog.

2. So, like, you're a lawyer?

Yes, but I don't plan on talking about cutting edge legal theories, or how to craft devilishly effective requests for admissions. Uh, unless I feel like it later.

3. You seem familiar. Do I know you?


4. No, seriously, do I?


5. What are you listening to right now?

Nothing, but on the way home from the office, the ClearFinity classic rock station was playing Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher." God help me, I said "I don't *feel* tardy" along with Dave when I was at a stop light.

6. What are you reading right now?

Anne Tyler's "Back When We Were Grownups." Despite the fact that I am not a mid-50's widow dealing with my wacky stepchildren and my late husband's family business, it is speaking to me. The "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now" feeling appears to be a common one.

7. Betty or Veronica?

I wish that I wanted Betty, but it's Veronica. Complicated brunettes are the flame to my moth.

8. Regrets?

I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention.

In my dreams. In fact, I have too many regrets to list, and I suspect that you will hear more of them than you can possibly imagine. Bad choices, poor decisions, bad luck, fortuna, whatever. You will hear me whine.

Monday, July 9, 2007

[tap-tap] Uh, is this thing on?

Ahem. Long time reader, first time blogger.

Hm. Now that I have a medium, I need a message.